Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2007 in Review

[Right: elevation profile of Saturday's run] I ended the year with a good week. I attended spin and yoga classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (even adding some weights on Friday), and ran my 8 miles on the treadmill each on Tuesday and Thursday around a 8:12 pace. Then Saturday, I headed up to the Alpine Loop for a cold 16 miles from Pine Hollow to Aspen Grove and back. The sun peaked out on a couple brief times on the first half, but it snowed for the second half of the run. It was 15° at the top of the loop with a wind chill down to 5°. I wore four layers, three of which got soaked in sweat, but as long as I kept moving, I felt quite comfortable. Round trip took 5 hours.

[Left: freshly groomed road] In 2007, I logged 1560 miles and about 365 hours (training and events). I completed all the races I started: a marathon, two 50 milers, one 100k, and one 100 miler. I worked through four separate injuries during the course of the year. Looking back on where I was one year ago, I fell like I have accomplished a lot, but I'm not finished yet. I have an ambitious scheduled planned for 2008 and hope to do it with less injuries, as well as decrease my times on all events.

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